Kit is typically high-energy and aloof. He loves to flirt, make people laugh, be the center of attention, and just have a good time - even if he has to create it. He can be sarcastic at times, especially if he's annoyed, but very rarely has a bad thing to say about anyone. The claws, however, will come out if you do something to deserve them.He loves to dance - you'll often find him cruising around the various venues looking for good music and a huge dance floor. He tries to spend as much time as he can on the beaches of Eorzea, soaking up the sun and playing volleyball. He loves food, especially the street food of Kugane, and will stop whatever he's doing if his nose picks up something irresistible.He's also obsessed with clothing - often more than willing to be daring and provocative with his style. He prides himself on being an early adopter of new looks before they become mainstream. While he certainly loves to dress up for whatever occasion he finds himself in, he's also a huge fan of undressing as well. When it comes to clothing, in Kit's opinion, the more skin it shows and the easier it is to remove, the more likely he is to wear it.
Socializing, Music, Dancing, Street Food (especially ramen and anything spicy), Clothing (streetwear and skimpy outfits), Going to the beach, Volleyball, Flirting
Silence, Being alone (especially when sleeping), Bland food, People with no sense of adventure
kit's story
Though a reasonably skilled hunter growing up, R'kitchi Tia began to eschew his nomadic upbringing as a teenager when he grew more and more intimate with the ways of city life that encroached upon tribal lands. His curiosity eventually brought him to the gates of Ul'Dah where he managed to pick up odd jobs working for a Hyur merchant, Darwin Braddock.Before long, he found that he had a knack for negotiating on Darwin's behalf as a retainer, using his wit, charm, and disarming smile to get the best quality merchandise and prices amongst the markets of Eorzea for his employer. As word of his skills spread, he found his services in demand and began working for several merchants, earning a modest living which provided the types of comfort his nomadic lifestyle could never have offered him. In time, he moved away from using his conventional Miqo'te name and adopted the surname of his employer and mentor - Kit Braddock was born.He developed a taste for clothing spending so much time wandering through wares while on the clock and quickly began to amass a rather large and varied wardrobe. He also grew to love food, his palate ever expanding thanks to the wide variety of food to sample wherever his travels took him. When the workday was done, he and his fellow retainer friends would spend their hard earned gil partying the night away, dancing and enjoying the nightlife of the realm.Recently, Kit has taken a position working for Harry Oldman, brewmaster and owner of Steamworks Brewery in Shirogane, as a retainer, part-time helper around the bar, and apprentice brewer. Moving to Hingashi has been the highlight of Kit's young life so far - between the nightlife, fashion, and street food, he's grown quite content with his new home and looks forward to his future there and beyond.

KIT's Stats
GIVEN NAME | R'kitchi Tia |
ALIAS | Kit Braddock |
AGE | Adult | Mid 20s |
RACE | Miqo'te | Seeker of the Sun |
GENDER | Male |
PRONOUNS | He | Him | His |
HEIGHT | 5 fulms, 2 ilms |
WEIGHT | 131 ponzes |
HAIR COLOR | White | Grey |
EYE COLOR | Bright Blue |
PHYSIQUE | Muscular |
OCCUPATIONS | Apprentice Brewer | Escort |
EMPLOYER | Steamworks Brewery & Barhouse |
ORIGIN | Sagolii Desert | Thanalan |
CURRENT HOME | Shirogane | Hingashi |
HOME WORLD | Dynamis | Marilith |
HOUSING | Shirogane | TBD |
RP | WU/T welcomed w/ tag |
ERP | Yes (Selective) |
RP/ERP STYLE | /em | Paragraph (1-2) |
ANIMATIONS/MODS | Yes (within reason) |
PARTNER PREFERENCE | Miqo'te | Hyur | Viera |

character hooks
WORK IN PROGRESS... — Work in progress
WORK IN PROGRESS... — Work in progress

Hiya! I have been a roleplayer for many years, typically relegating my RP to sitting around a table while throwing dice with friends. I started playing Final Fantasy 14 in early 2023. When I started playing the game with friends, we played it like any other MMORPG. I was a former World of Warcraft player, so I had always been more focused on game play and stats and really didn't care much for storylines and definitely never even thought about roleplaying in one.When my friends ditched me to move on to greener pastures as we got to Heavensward - because FFXIV wasn't MMORPG-y enough for them, I guess - I almost gave up on the game myself. However, I stumbled into the more social side of Eorzea quite by accident and let me tell ya... it's been all downhill from there.I started roleplaying, working in venues, and engaging in more... criminal and degenerate activities. The deeper down the rabbit hole I've fallen, the faster I want to keep falling, and I always enjoy the company of other degens while doing so.Kit is my second character, totally built for roleplaying only. My main OC is my Roegadyn who is current through all Dawntrail content, is an omnicrafter, and owns the venue that Kit works at from time to time. You can find out more about them here:• Harry Oldman
• Steamworks Brewery & Barhouse
I RP and ERP with players age 21 and older only. No exceptions.
IC ≠ OOC. I may not always be perfect, but I strive to keep the lines sharp and focused between the two. I expect the same from anyone I engage with.
I strongly prefer to engage in in-game roleplay only. Exceptions can be made, but they will be very rare.
I am almost always open to RP when online and will tag myself accordingly. If I'm not tagged, feel free to WU/T and ask, but realize I may be doing something else and not in the mood to reciprocate.
As an OC, I have my own lore, and I love finding ways to collaborate and engage in the lore of those around me. That's not to say that everyone's story or style is going to mesh well with Kit's. He (I) will politely decline or withdraw if that's the case - please do not be offended and carry on with what you enjoy.
I do thoroughly enjoy ERP when I'm in the mood, but I am very reticent to engage with a character that I don't know well. (Of course, this wouldn't apply if I'm working as an escort/courtesan.) There are always exceptions to the rule - we're all only human - but be aware that, though I may be out to get into your pants, I'm not necessarily doing it the first time we meet.
Kit is single. I have yet to decide where he's heading along that particular course. For now, he's happy to be your friend or hookup (or both), but he's not ready to put a ring on it.

Working the bar - Steamworks brewery & barhouse